Five days #15: Stress-free travels

April is officially Stress Awareness Month. I’ve learned the ups and downs of stress from various occasions and I can somewhat say that I’m pretty good at managing (my own) stress. I don’t believe in self help books (in general) when it comes to stress-free lifestyles, but I do believe in some tools and habits that can help reduce SOME form of stress.

When it comes to traveling, however, things can get a little out of hand. So many open points, possibilities, emergencies. So when Dropcam asked me for my personal stress-free travel tips, I thought it would be handy to share some. I had to think a bit, because I never thought of these habits as actual “tips” but I decided the most reliable ones are usually the most simple and easiest.

1. Pack in a one or two color schemes.


s6I used to be quite casual and ignorant about how I look when I’m traveling: the comfier, the better. But then I would look in the mirror or even photos, and I would always look exhausted. So instead of bringing EVERYTHING I own, I started packing clothes in a single, or even two, color schemes. It’s so much easier to choose what to wear every morning. I mostly wear/pack black or grey, or black or white, sometimes blue, and it’s easier to mix and match. Even if you don’t have enough clothes, you can still look quite put together. Sometimes I’ll throw in a different pattern or texture, like a floral print or a flowy, silky blouse, just for special occasions. (It’s also easier to wash them together after you get back home. Similar color scheme, throw them all in the washer.)

2. Assign a number to everything (essential) you need to take to the trip/during the day/when you leave. 

s2So cell phone would be #1, wallet would be #2, passport #3, camera #4, sunglasses #5 and so on. I don’t make it all the way to 10 because then it’s just better to have a checklist on your phone, but for simple yet essential items, I’ve assigned numbers. Before we are heading out to wherever, I quickly go through my mind “1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ok, let’s go.” These items are usually things that should be with you at all times, so you can check with your mind or even your hand, wherever you are, whenever you need to.

3. Check, check and check again before you leave home/hotel. 

s3This is an obvious tip, but G and I always spend a full 10 to 15 minute round up check on all of our plugs and appliances. We turn off EVERYTHING, including the water for our washer, television and lights. Living rental can sometimes mean you have to be extra cautious, especially when you live in a place like Germany, when owners can be very strict and precise about EVERYTHING. So we take the extra time to check everything. But for those who have some important equipment or are away for a longer period, you can also add some other additional help to make your life, and mind, easier.

All photos by rachelsanghee

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