Milan: The Duomo

One of the most complicated cathedral churches I’ve seen.

  • Construction began in 1386 and took nearly six centuries to complete, but still undergoes small building work here and there. Which makes you feel like you are a part of history. “I was there when they were building the little angel face on the left side of that structure. You see that little face? I was there.”
  • Fourth largest cathedral in the world.
  • Largest cathedral in the Italian state territory.
  • 130 employees.
  • 3,100 to 3,500 sculptures adorn the cathedral, which is the most in the world.
  • It began in brick, but was upgraded to marble.

디자인 측면에서는 바티칸 못지 않게 화려하고 아름다웠던 밀라노의 두오모.

  • 첫 삽은 1386년. 완공은 60년이 걸렸지만 이작도 이곳저곳에 공사가 이루어지는 중.
  • 세계에서 4번째로 가장 큰 성당.
  • 이탈리아에서 가장 큰 성당.
  • 130명의 직원.
  • 성당 전체를 장식하는 장식물들의 수는 3,100-3,500개. 세계에서 가장 많은 수 자랑. 어쩐지 굉장히 굉장했음.
  • 벽돌로 시작됐지만 대리석으로 업그레이드 됨.

All photos by rachelsanghee

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